Our aim is to create the highest quality products using the best fabrics while paying fair prices to our factories—most of which are based in Europe. This commitment comes at a cost. We are doing what we can to make our products as affordable as possible, but most importantly (in our opinion) to ensure they stand up in quality and style that truly lasts, making them worth the investment.
We make the best leggings on the planet. That’s why we produce fewer of them, tweaking them, sweat-testing them, and continuously improving them to meet our high standards. You won’t find in-your-face colors here, nor throwaway trends destined for the bottom drawer. Just wear-on-rotation pieces – precision-engineered to butt-sculpting perfection.
Taking the leap for the first time? Trying a new style?
No worries. Sweat, squat, and spin in your chosen pair of leggings for 30 days, and if you're not completely happy, return them for a full refund. No hassle. No questions asked.
It's a 30-day period during which you can wear and work out in your leggings, and return them if you’re not satisfied.
We are committed to helping you find the best leggings you’ve ever owned. To cater to everyone’s ultimate legging preferences, our range varies in feel, weight, and compression, but they’re all designed to perform. We believe you should be able to test them yourself to ensure they feel as good through an intense, sweaty, heart-pumping workout as they do fresh out of the bag. That’s why we give you 30 days to sweat, lift, run, or squat in your chosen pair of leggings, and if they’re not the best you’ve ever had, return them hassle-free, with no questions asked.
Blog posts

Introducing... Lady Luck

All New Eco-relaxed range